суббота, 28 декабря 2019 г.


I am a blogger and Technology Enthusiast. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. I installed that terrible upgrade. My new favorite spell check add-on for Internet Explorer 9 is called Speckie. Sign up using Facebook. Basically, at work i am stuck with ie due to the exchange tie-in. iespell ie9

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Madhur, No problem, credit goes to u for finding this great add-on.

Go with a better browser. Kanak switch to firefox, or install this add-on.

IE 9 vs. IeSpell

Features Completely standalone spell checker iespeell your web browser. October 14, at 4: If not, back to Chrome The first option has been the unofficial Internet Explorer spell check add-on for years known as IE Spell.

iespell ie9

Basically, at work i am stuck with ie due to the exchange tie-in. Jon Galloway Jon Galloway 4 4 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges.

Spell check add-on for Internet Explorer 9

Apparently, our contact and bug report forms were broken due to the PHP upgrade by our web host a few weeks back. Your email address will not be published.

iespell ie9

Some of the more significant fixes and new features are: Works just fine even on the latest version on Internet Explorer. Spell Check for Internet Explorer 9?

Our webhost placed a temporary ban on our account as a result and it took us awhile to sort things out. My new favorite spell check add-on for Internet Explorer 9 is called Speckie.

Speckie: Spell checker for Internet Explorer

Anyway, everything is now working as it should be. Last weekend was a nightmare for us here at ieSpell. It is especially very useful if you visit forums, type online web forms, fill comments, etc frequently.

Browser window spawned by "Lookup Meaning" feature does not have scroll bars. We will be back to our old static site for awhile, at least until we sort out the vulnerabilities in our new CMS system.

If you find ieSpell useful, please express your satisfaction by buying us a beer. Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Supports a wide range of web applications including simple text forms, rich text editors, forums, blogs, webmail including Outlook Web Access and Lotus iNotes and more!

Email Required, but never shown.

Asked 8 years, 6 months ago. It was an oversight on our part not to have tested all of our scripts after the upgrade.

Spell check add-on for Internet Explorer 9

Nivas Nivas 4 4 silver badges 12 12 bronze badges. This is a wonderful add-on, but I had some problems with IE after this install. So this add on will be good.

Try iespellpeople claim it worksdont have ie9 so cannot vouch for it. I have to agree that real-time spell check is important. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

iespell ie9

I'll take a look at this program at speckie. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered.

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