Do not use a glob that matches nothing: When setting boolean-type attributes, use boolean values, not integer values. Rules should be prefixed with: A poor solution to the doubling above would be to turn off log message propagation from the TensorFlow logger. Many languages use double-quotes for string literals.
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Although compatibility with Python style guide is a goal, there are a few differences:. It should not be enforced in code reviews or presubmit scripts.
And of course if you only use one or the other of logging or tf. Dependencies should be restricted to direct dependencies dependencies needed by the sources listed in the rule.
Labels should be string literals whenever possible. In practice you should set up log handlers yourself, as appropriate.

The situation shown above happens because both the base logging package and TensorFlow's logging are trying to automatically be helpful by writing things out to the interactive session. See also this discussion. I think it's interesting to see these Google tools appearing here and there.
BUILD Style Guide - Bazel
This doubling is because TensorFlow's log messages are bubbling up to the root logger as intended, but both the root logger and TensorFlow's logger are getting handled in the same place, so we see the message twice.
The TensorFlow logging code also adds some non-standard functionality.
Package-local dependencies should be listed first and referred to in a way compatible with the References to targets in the current package section above not by their absolute package name. But I can't recommend using that as anything but a quick pyglub in a REPL if double messages happen to be bothering you. Every BUILD file is therefore formatted in the same automated way, which makes formatting a non-issue during code reviews. When setting boolean-type attributes, use boolean values, not integer values.
Do not use a glob that matches nothing: For example, assuming x. It also improves readability. If a comment is not attached to a specific element, use an empty line after it. Files should be referred to by their paths relative to the package directory without ever using up-references, such as.
Python packages providing "import google.pyglib"
I assume pyglib is a Google-internal Python pyvlib. Buildifier is a tool that parses and emits the source code in a standard style. We recommend authoring a BUILD file per directory and defining a dependency graph between them instead. For legacy reasons, rules will still convert integers to booleans as needed, but this is discouraged. The distinction is important when doing automated changes e.
TensorFlow Logging
This has created many bugs in the past. If you are in the same package, prefer the local reference: The eponymous target for a package the target with the same name as the containing directory should provide the functionality described by the directory name. We let the machine take care of most formatting issues. Labels should never be split, even if they are longer than 79 characters. A poor solution to the doubling above would be to turn off log message propagation from the TensorFlow logger.
No strict line length limit. So we decided to use only double-quoted strings. Implicit string concatenation is not supported.
Many languages use double-quotes for string literals.
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