Chafer on Covenant Theology by Miles J. The positions of Christ, His offices, His sonship, the hypostatic union, and the sufferings of Christ are included in this discussion. The Dallas Seminary Foundation has also set up a charitable giving program called the Lewis Sperry Chafer Legacy, recognizing the graciousness in Chafer's life. As far as furnishing a new and effective approach to Biblical studies their doctrines have been utterly opposed to the theology of the Reformation as well as to modern premillennialism. No Delimiter —
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In the course of time, this new interest in Bible study and the new recognition that the Bible was intended to be understood by all Christians in its apparent literal meaning gave rise to many new groups. Click Star to Rate. The work is definitely creative and original.
It is however quite distinct from various restatements of Reformed theology. Its appearance in a day when liberal interpretation and unbelief have riddled the Biblical basis for theological study is in itself highly significant.

About the only works which have gained widespread recognition in theology have been the restatements of modernism and liberal theology in the form of crisis theology and neo-orthodoxy which have in some respects indicated a reaction from extreme liberalism.
Chafer is widely recognized as one of the founders of modern Dispensationalism [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] and was vehemently opposed to covenant theology.
For the most part, the Roman background of amillennialism and the unitarian background of postmillennialism 1 did not deter many who continued in the Reformed theology as a whole from embracing one or the other view of eschatology. His overall theology could be generally described as based on the inductive study of the entire Bible, having similarities to John Nelson Darby of the Plymouth Brethrenmoderate Calvinism rejected limited atonementa chfer form of Keswick Theology on Sanctification, and Presbyterianismall of these tempered with a focus on spirituality based on simple Bible study and living.
Like the volume in Christology, Pneumatology is complete in itself and at the same time gathers together previous material in the series on the subject.
Lewis Sperry Chafer
It abounds in devotional passages and is closely linked with the content of the Scriptures. Without any organizational unity, a system of doctrine gradually developed, greatly aided by the widespread use of the Scofield Reference Biblethe teachings of Bible institutes, prophetic conferences, and summer Bible conferences. Lewis Sperry Chafer defined systematic theology as "the collecting, systematically arranging, comparing, exhibiting and defending of all facts concerning God and His works from any and every source.
His position on the inspiration and authority of Scripture follows the fundamentalist movement in general.

Modern Christianity has too often been reduced to promotion of an idealistic moralism and a desire hteology organizational unity. It is an invaluable source-book for doctrinal teaching chafet preaching. The need for a comprehensive statement of the entire doctrine of the person and work of the Holy Spirit called for this volume. Zystematic founded and served as the first president of Dallas Theological Seminaryand was an influential proponent of Christian Dispensationalism in the early 20th century.
While theologians were grinding out reproductions of Reformed theology, it remained for a widespread movement for direct Biblical studies to find the fatal defect in the Reformed treatment of Roman doctrine.
To provide easy access to related material in the entire series a separate volume of indices has been prepared, including a Scriptural index, an index of authors, and a subject index. Systematic TheologyVolume I, preface, p. Check your email for password retrieval Enter Your Email or Username.
He was a well-spoken and relaxed leader and was not a fire and brimstone preacher. Gradually the doctrines of the new movement came to be known by the name of Fundamentalism and by similar titles. The work is in no sense iconoclastic. With rare clarity and insight into Scriptural revelation, President Chafer presents the work of the Thrology Spirit systemaatic the world and in the Christian.
Systematic Theology - Lewis Sperry Chafer - Google Books
This article was taken from the Theological Journal Library and posted with permission of Galaxie Software. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Houghton note 23 credits Rudolph A.
For those who would be instructed in what are the proper inclusions of premillennialism it provides an ordered statement of the doctrine as a whole such as has never been provided in one work before. The need for gathering pertinent material on important Biblical and theological themes is apparent not only to the theologian but also to the preacher.
The work is remarkably Biblical. Views Read Edit View history. He aided Scofield in establishing the Philadelphia School of the Bible in The volume stands on its own merits antd presentation and is also a summary of the doctrinal material which precedes it.
The treatment is divided into six sections, the first dealing with Christ as the Savior.
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